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Laurel Ridge Elementary School PTA
2023-2024 Sponsorship Program


You can support our school by donating through your company or business using the following sponsorship levels.  


As a sponsor, your business will be exposed to more than 300 families in our area. We currently have 
over 750 newsletter subscribers and over 300 members of our PTA’s private Facebook group. Your 
support will help us improve our school with short and long-term projects, quality enrichment programs 
for our students, give training opportunities to teachers, and show appreciation for faculty and staff.


How do I sign up?

Please email us at for more information and visit our PTA store to submit your sponsorship!



Sponsorship Levels


Platinum-$2500 or more in monetary donation or services

  • A post about your business on the LRES PTA private Facebook group.

  • Your logo on the main page of the PTA website as a sponsor for the remainder of the school year.

  • Your ad in a ¼-page section in the LRES yearbook

  • It also includes Gold, Silver, and Bronze benefits


Gold- $1000 or more in monetary donations or services

  • A section in bi- weekly newsletter Eagle Flyer for four issues

  • Includes Silver and Bronze benefits


Silver-$600 or more in monetary donations or services

  • Promotional fliers, provided by the company, distributed to school

  • Included on the LRES yearbook sponsorship page

  • Includes Bronze benefits


Bronze- $300 or more in monetary donations or services

  • Logo and link in newsletter for one issue and mention on sponsorship website for two months

  • A mention about your donation in the LRES PTA Facebook private group

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

Food Donation- $150+

  • A “Thank you” message on the LRES PTA Facebook private group and one issue of our newsletter

  • Opportunity to distribute fliers or coupons at the event

  • Opportunity to distribute promo item (supplied by vendor_)


Find the above information in this PDF document for your reference.


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